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Varicose Veins

Gulf Coast Cardiology Group PLLC

Cardiovascular Disease Specialists & Internal Medicine located in Port Arthur, TX

Nearly 35% of people in the United States have varicose veins. If these damaged veins cause frequent muscle aches or pain, the team at Gulf Coast Cardiology Group PLLC can help. At the office in Port Arthur, Texas, the experienced cardiologists offer minimally invasive procedures, including leg ablations, to destroy the damaged veins and improve your blood circulation. Call Gulf Coast Cardiology Group PLLC today or schedule an appointment online to schedule a diagnostic evaluation for painful varicose veins.

Varicose Veins Q & A

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins are enlarged, darkened veins that most often develop in your legs because you suffer from poor circulation and the valves in your leg veins stop working.

Your blood must fight against gravity to make it back to your heart. If the valves in your veins aren’t working correctly, the blood can flow backward and pool in the vein, causing the knotty enlargement you see on the outside of your leg.

Risk factors for varicose veins include:

  • Age
  • Obesity
  • Being female
  • Pregnancy
  • Standing for long periods

While not all varicose veins are painful or uncomfortable, they can cause complications like blood clots and ulcers.

When should I seek treatment for varicose veins?

Varicose veins can bulge out on the surface of your skin and appear twisted. You might also experience frequent muscle aches or heaviness in your legs because of varicose veins.

Schedule a diagnostic evaluation for varicose veins with the Gulf Coast Cardiology Group PLLC team if your symptoms interfere with walking or your quality of life.

The team can also treat varicose veins if you’re unhappy with the way your legs look.

How are varicose veins treated?

Initially, you could benefit from wearing compression stockings or knee-high socks when you stand for long periods. These garments squeeze your legs to help blood move back to the heart more efficiently.

You should also increase your daily exercise and follow a heart-healthy diet to improve your blood circulation.

If these therapies aren’t enough to treat varicose veins, the team at Gulf Coast Cardiology Group PLLC can recommend:


Sclerotherapy involves injections of a chemical into the varicose vein. The chemical irritates the vein, causing it to collapse.

Leg ablations

Endovenous leg ablation is a minimally invasive procedure that uses heat energy to burn away a varicose vein. This procedure permanently closes off the varicose vein, and your blood reroutes to healthier nearby veins.


Phlebectomy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure to remove damaged veins through small incisions.

If you need help managing the symptoms of varicose veins, call Gulf Coast Cardiology Group PLLC today to schedule a consultation or book an appointment online.